Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Those Burgers were HUGE!

Work today went really well! However, there was a little mix up with carpooling this morning. I was supposed to drop off Khadijah at her job on my way to The Center for the Child. But it turns out that the two locations are exactly in the opposite direction! So we had to turn around so I could drop her back off at the house at David Oberst (live saver!) took her to work and I raced back down the highway to get to work. I was a few minutes late but it was no big deal.
When I first arrived I went straight to the four-year-old classroom to play with them and observe their morning activities. There were two staff members in the classroom responsible for the kids, Stacy and Rachel. They both seemed really nice and really seemed to enjoy the kids. More importantly, however, the kids seemed to really like the two ladies and respect them. I thought they were extremely well behaved and curious about me and all of the things around them. I will be working with Dr. Hester and another psychology professor on the research on parental stress that accompanies families dealing with poverty. I'll also be reading Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich which I've heard is a very good read. Overall, I think I'm going to have a great balance between having fun working/playing with the kids and babies while also learning about the impact of poverty in eastern South Carolina and how The Center for the Child is helping to assuage the problem.

Back at the house...
We kind of just hung around the house waiting for John Deans and David Womble to make dinner. While we were waiting, all of us shared our stories about our first days at work and what are plans were for the summer so far. Some highlights: David Womble got a great deal on a fishing pole and he plans to catch, clean, dress, and fry catfish for us whenever we want, David Oberst rode on the Bookmobile all over South Carolina, and I would like to be the first to announce that John Deans will be writing his first book this summer (just to name a few!). Looks like we're gonna have some awesome experiences this summer! lol...

After HOURS and HOURS of waiting for simple hot dogs and hamburgers, we FINALLY had dinner. I have to admit, however, that it was amazing. A hamburger was a size of a small rodent and the hot dogs looked as appetizing as an Oscar Meyer commericial. Salad and baked potato also accompanied the meal and my glass of milk paired quite nicely with the meal.

Overall, today was another great day and a great start to our internships!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Noelle! Sounds like you guys are having a fun and crazy time! I'm glad everything is working out well! Everything is fine at home. I just started my online classes so it looks like I'm going to have absolutely no free time this summer. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! But, I'm hoping it will be fine, lol. Hope you have a great rest of the day!
