Monday, May 25, 2009

It was KHADIJAH!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Memorial Day!!!!!!!!!

Most of us had the day of today, everyone except for John Deans, Brandon, and David Womble. Everyone else pretty much chilled at the house all day to catch up on reading, chores, and rest. I'm almost halfway done with Nickel and Dimed and so far I have mixed reviews about what I've read. I feel like Ehrenreich puts out a lot of important information about the various struggles that low-wage workers must endure on a daily basis. However, I feel that she has given herself certain advantages that a normal person actually living in her situation would never have. It's an interesting read and I'm hopeful that maybe I'll enjoy it more as I read more.

For dinner tonight we had....BREAKFAST! John Deans and I took turns manning the bacon while Khadijah killed some pancakes with our giant box of Bisquick. Alice prepared the eggs for us and we each made our own order that we preferred. I think everyone would agree that this dinner was absolutely delicious and one of the favorites so far.

After dinner I introduced a new game to the group called This Is A...., which everyone seemed to liked (except for and the girls DOMINATED the guys in a round of Cranium. But the real fun came when we decided to play Mafia. I never knew that Khadijah was such a deceptive person...she completely fooled everyone! Alice and John were the two prime suspects for the mafia until the very end when Khadijah shocked us all. She had played so well and rightfully won the game.

Tomorrow is my first day at the Troy-Johnson Center. I'm excited to get involved with the kids there and compare my experiences there with those I've had so far at the Center for the Child. I'll let you know how it turns out! See ya!

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