Monday, June 1, 2009

Today I returned to the Center for the Child! When I first got there, I went to find Dr. Hester to see if Dr. Hill-Chapman had arrived yet. I was supposed to meet with her to discuss her current research to see how I could help. She was late coming into the office because she had a family emergency, but once she got me started I spent most of the day entering data from her research project that she was working on. She was researching the effects of drugs and alcohol on behaviorial issues and academic performance. I was basically punching in numbers into Excel for most of the day, but it was actually pretty interesting to see the different answers to the questions and see how they corresponded to other answers. I also met with Dr. Hester to talk about my week with Mrs. Jackie at Troy-Johnson, my single mother project, and how I felt about Nickel and Dimed. I was glad to have this conversation and update on my progress so far. Hopefully, tomorrow I will have the chance to interact more with the kids. :)

After work, I picked up Khadijah at work, went to the gym, and came back to the house to start dinner. We were having chicken, rice, and steamed veggies - a pretty standard meal I'd say. Then...Khadijah and I went to library to get our library cards!!! Khadijah got Jane Eyre and I decided to wait until I finished Into the Wild to check out my first book. We spent another quiet evening at home watching "Jon and Kate plus Eight" and just hanging out! The Sims 3 comes out this week so I'm putting up a notice now so if I don't blog for a while everyone knows why! Thanks!

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